April 23, 2014

Things it's okay to be and not okay to be

Things it's ok to be:

  • A girl who likes to do "boy stuff" like skateboarding, watching Transformers Prime, wearing guy graphic tees, etc. 
  • A guy who likes to do "girly stuff" like acting, singing, art, being fashionable, etc
  • A girl who loves dresses without loving to do other "girly" things
  • A guy who dresses fashionably but loves sports and "guy stuff"
  • A nerd
  • A jock
  • A music geek
  • A thespian
  • An artist
  • Somebody who fits perfectly into a category because they genuinely enjoy everything that is stereotypical for that group
  • Somebody who fits into no groups
  • Somebody who fits into a lot of different groups. 
Things it's not ok to be: 
  • Mean
  • A bully
  • Judgemental
  • Someone who automatically stereotypes people and assumes that they are [this] so they must [have this quality or quirk or style]
  • Hateful
  • Someone who puts others down
  • Somebody who tells people to kill themselves. (That's actually a felony, and if they do it, you're charged with manslaughter)
  • Someone who tries to change people to fit into their "clique"
  • A PAIR OF PANTS ON MY BODY (unless they're sweats/have an elastic waistband)
Yeah, this post is mostly just to show my intense hatred of wearing pants.... :)

PS: If you're one of the first four, and you are straight, PEOPLE HAVE NO RIGHT TO ASSUME YOU ARE GAY JUST BECAUSE OF A STUPID STEREOTYPE. There can be a "manly man" who is straight as a rainbow, or a guy who dresses nicely, has a high voice, likes to act, etc. who is a very girl-crazy man. Same kind of thing goes for girls. Just sayin'. 

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