April 27, 2014

What Boys Look For in Girls- Hank Green

Hank Green is one of my favorite people. And now even more. Watch it.


April 23, 2014

Things it's okay to be and not okay to be

Things it's ok to be:

  • A girl who likes to do "boy stuff" like skateboarding, watching Transformers Prime, wearing guy graphic tees, etc. 
  • A guy who likes to do "girly stuff" like acting, singing, art, being fashionable, etc
  • A girl who loves dresses without loving to do other "girly" things
  • A guy who dresses fashionably but loves sports and "guy stuff"
  • A nerd
  • A jock
  • A music geek
  • A thespian
  • An artist
  • Somebody who fits perfectly into a category because they genuinely enjoy everything that is stereotypical for that group
  • Somebody who fits into no groups
  • Somebody who fits into a lot of different groups. 
Things it's not ok to be: 
  • Mean
  • A bully
  • Judgemental
  • Someone who automatically stereotypes people and assumes that they are [this] so they must [have this quality or quirk or style]
  • Hateful
  • Someone who puts others down
  • Somebody who tells people to kill themselves. (That's actually a felony, and if they do it, you're charged with manslaughter)
  • Someone who tries to change people to fit into their "clique"
  • A PAIR OF PANTS ON MY BODY (unless they're sweats/have an elastic waistband)
Yeah, this post is mostly just to show my intense hatred of wearing pants.... :)

PS: If you're one of the first four, and you are straight, PEOPLE HAVE NO RIGHT TO ASSUME YOU ARE GAY JUST BECAUSE OF A STUPID STEREOTYPE. There can be a "manly man" who is straight as a rainbow, or a guy who dresses nicely, has a high voice, likes to act, etc. who is a very girl-crazy man. Same kind of thing goes for girls. Just sayin'. 

April 6, 2014

Quotes and Conference

Hey lovelies! Ok, I'm done doing the pink text thing. Nobody else posts on here, and if they did, they'd make sure you knew it was them. Anyway, it's your friendly neighborhood bunny! :)
So my church has a bi-annual conference that goes over a weekend each in April and October called General Conference. The main thing I've learned from it this weekend is that my Heavenly Father loves me very much, and it's ok that I'm not perfect because He knows I'm trying to do what He wants me to do. :) Aaaaannnndddd quotes cuz you know how I love them. :)

Most of these, I got from the LDS SMILE page on Facebook, and I shall give credit to them because I could never have made these pictures. :) Have a wonderful day, lovelies!