April 8, 2013

Quotes of the week

Hey there beautiful people! Bunny here, with more quotes. (hopefully we can keep up the schedule this week). Anyway, just as far as business goes, we just need to say that you are totally welcome to comment, but it won't be published until we've moderated it. We just do this to make sure that no demeaning or profane comments get posted. So if you want your comment posted, DON'T SWEAR OR SAY ANYTHING MEAN! Don't worry, I check my email way too frequently, so it'll get moderated pretty fast. Now to get to the quotes: 

So basically you are already beautiful, but it will show more if you believe that you are. 

I challenge you that tomorrow, wear no makeup. Or if you must, wear only mascara and lipgloss. Comment if you do it and what happened. 
Okay, Bunny out.  

1 comment:

  1. I never wear makeup. The most I ever do is scented lotion, perfume occasionally, and chapstick. I didn't think i pretty until last summer. I was at my grandmothers house in Arizona and in the room that is stay in, there is a wall mirror. I had just straightned my hair for the first time since it was cut and I looked at myself and I said I was beautiful and I beleived it. That lasted for a few months but not now. I love the quotes and they have made me feel happy. I wish this will help me believe it again.
    -viewer who believes in beauty
