July 31, 2013

wednesday song- just the way you are

I got one in asl because everything is 100x more beautiful in sign..... or at least in my opinion it is. :) listen to the lyrics and minus the kiss you all day part (cuz that would be really weird) I would sing it to every one of you. Stay amazing lovelies!

July 15, 2013

Monday Quotes

We normally only post 5 quotes but I just put the first one in there because I thought it was funny :). 

July 13, 2013

Lovely by Sara Haze

I know it's not wednesday, but I felt like I should post this today. Maybe somebody needs it today or before next wednesday. :) Love you! -Bunny

July 8, 2013

Monday Quotes

Just remember, everyone is beautiful no matter what "they" say. "They" could be anyone, but don't listen to "them", because they are little pig heads ;). 

July 3, 2013

Normal 19 year old sized barbie :)

Remember when I posted that barbie I had given my proportions to? Well, this guy made a barbie with average proportions for a 19 year old woman! His name is Nikolay Lamm, and he photoshopped a barbie to be the correct size for a healthy woman. If you want to see the actual article, it's here. 
Role reversal: Whilst most artists have previously put Barbie's measurements onto a normal girl, Lamm did it the other way round
Th only changes i would make would be to make her head higher and have her smiling, so she looked more confident, but that's just me. 

July 2, 2013

Some little uplifting thing that I made up

I think that everybody should know that you can't spell beautiful without U!
-Lizzy Lou